Hey, MSFTs! Back for another attempt at a birthday I see? Well, today the blog turns 2 years old and I wanted to try to celebrate with cake again.
I know it didn't go well the last few times. I mean there was the whole cake fucking fiasco then Harley Quinn put Batgirl on it and then a BBW obese nearly ate your whole hand, but this time I think I've got it down!
This cute blonde girl is just lighting the candles now. Come have some.
Oh, apparently she thought she should put the candles out, too.
....maybe I'll try pie next year.
I know it didn't go well the last few times. I mean there was the whole cake fucking fiasco then Harley Quinn put Batgirl on it and then a BBW obese nearly ate your whole hand, but this time I think I've got it down!
This cute blonde girl is just lighting the candles now. Come have some.
Oh, apparently she thought she should put the candles out, too.
....maybe I'll try pie next year.