Penis Guro

While we're on the subject of guro sex again, I have more photos! I know you're just thrilled, excited and possibly even squeamish all at the same time. If you're not feeling squeamish then get help, you sick, sick fucker! Penis guro is actually pretty tough to find, but I did come across this lovely photo while doing a search for cartoon doctor. This is why safe search is so, so important.

But since I've been traumatized, I'll return the favor.

Clearly the explanation is that sperm is an antiseptic. Thus it is very important that you cum inside of your own open abdominal cavity during surgery. The doctor will assist if you have trouble achieving this on your own.

Is this from a hentai comic thing? Or does anyone know the artist?
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    the people in the drawing are from a game called tf2 and the one with his guts open is Sniper and the other one is Medic


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