Tantra Massage Fetish

As an extension of the massage fetish videos I've been posting, I wanted to do one on tantra.

This isn’t weird so much as I just think everyone should see it, because the tantra massage fetish is kind of interesting - and that is the whole point of this blog: funny weird and interesting. What makes this video weird is that she looks entirely dead while he’s 'igniting her lusts'. She doesn't even look happy about receiving a massage!

Erotic Japanese Massage

Apparently it’s common to get a free erotic Japanese massage in exchange for letting a company (of which there are many making money off the erotic Japanese massage fetish) film you. The women are everyday women that walk-in to get a massage oil treatment. At least the ones who aren’t squealing and squeaking the whole time are. The ones making high-pitched noises that make your dog cry in pain are bad actresses poorly capitalizing on the everyday erotic Japanese massage fetishist being too stupid to realize it's not real.

Erotic Lesbian Massage Fetish

Tired of all those shemale fetish videos?

This is one of those sweet, cuddly, erotic massage fetish pornos made for women by women. I don’t get it, personally. As a woman, when I want to watch porno, I don’t want to watch people being sweet and cuddly, I want to watch people fuck. I do understand how traditional ‘lesbian’ porn wouldn’t appeal to real lesbians (you know, with the insane press-on fingernails they finger each other with), but this doesn’t appeal on a sexual level to me at all. It is nice and relaxing though, so maybe if you have blue balls it will ease it faster?

Someone experiment and get back to me.

Shemale Fetish Lesbians

If you thought Buck Angel being fucked by a man was awkward and brain explode worthy, try this out. Buck Angel gets it on with another female-to-male transgender for a mind-blowing shemale fetish video.

Now I have to ask, is this gay, straight, lesbian or just pure shemale fetish?

Clit Enlargement and Shemale Fetish

Wait, did I just post normal sex? That can't be right! This can’t be normal sex. What's to laugh at about normal sex?

Oh wait, that pussy is on a man!

Watch Buck Angel's manly pussy get it on with another man.

Predator Vs. Xenomorph Sex Conclusion

And this post will bring to a close the Predator Vs. Xenomorph sex series. I think it's obvious who the winner is, but let me know in the comments who you think dominated the field. Was it the xenomorph sex for mutilating women and men alike or the Predators for raping each other and .... well this.

Predator Sex

Unlike Xenomorph sex, Predators will actually have sex with their own kind. Just check out this loving couple. Okay, maybe they're not so loving and she's about to rape him. Whatever.

The fourth installment in the Predator Vs. Xenomorph sex series. Only one to go so I hope you're rooting for a winner.

More Xenomorph Sex

The third installment of the Predator Vs. Xenomorph sex series. And we ain't done with the xenomorph sex yet!

There's no proof that this guy is about to get his asshole raped and ripped open other than the comment added to the bottom, which makes it look fittingly like a demotivational poster - I'd be demotivated if a xenomorph were about to rape me.

Xenomorph Sex

The second photo in the Predator Vs. Xenomorph sex series.

When the eggs from those vagina bursters hatch, this is what you get. A very horny xenomorph looking for sex.

This woman doesn't look nearly frightened enough to be having sex with a xenomorph. I mean, she has that one arm out like she's trying to get away, but she doesn't really look like she's trying.

Rape Toons Xenomorph Sex

This is the first part of the Predator Vs. Xenomorph sex series.

Technically these are facehuggers failing to find the proper hole - or at least most of them are failing, two did find the throat just fine - but just think, once those eggs hatch into chest bursters it's going to be a serious case of guro hentai for these poor raped toons.

Billy and Mandy Porn

While we're on the subject of stomach inflation and weird hentai with stomach bulging, I have to show everyone this Billy & Mandy porn by a very talented artist named Wagner.

Hentai Monster Sex Stomach Inflation

Talking about human toilets always makes me think of tentacle monsters. I mean, how often do they actually look like they're cumming? They usually just look like they're jettisoning a bunch of piss all over you, because let's face it, no man or monster can probably produce enough cum to inflate you and make you puke it out - especially since that's physically impossible.

This picture demonstrates exactly what I'm talking about in case you've never had the 'pleasure' of viewing, and laughing at, belly bulging and stomach inflation.

Illegaltube and Anal Bizarre

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Anal Toilet Fetish

Speaking of using body parts incorrectly, weird hentai with nipple fucking is probably worse than this, but just in case you didn't know, a person is not a human toilet and the asshole is not supposed to hold piss in any shape or form.

Weird Hentai with Shemale Fetish

Another weird hentai video, but this one features a shemale fetish with huge tits, I mean really, really, bigger than a man's body huge. She gets milked and then her nipples are actually fucked. No, I don't mean they tit fuck her, I mean the men push their dicks into her nipples and fuck her nipples.

I said weird hentai, didn't I?

We have live-action tentacle porn, can we get this in live action too?

Post-Halloween Joker Porn

Now that you're just waking up from a Halloween candy- or alcohol-induced coma, I hope your headache isn't too bad and that you didn't wake up with this on your arm, or riding your dick. 

It may not put a smile on your face, but the Joker had an absolute blast!

On the other hand, if you were the one gassed for the Joker porn, you might be asleep, like Batman was in this DC porn.
