Pokemon Anime Porno

A teenager - legal, but still a teenager - in a Pokemon costume masturbates. Does this count as cosplay? I mean, am I supposed to believe she's a female Pikachu masturbating? Or am I supposed to believe that she's a child who still watches Pokemon and is masturbating. Both options are incredibly creepy, but one is bordering on illegal.

I think I'll stick with old women pretending to be teenage Sailor Moon. I don't feel so squicky about that.

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Her (cam) name is Asha Snow, and she appears regularly on MyFreecams.

    The cute puppy viewed in the video can also be viewed online, and is all grown up.

    She was 25 when the video was taken, in November 2010. Pokemon thing was just random.

  2. MSFT Owner Says:

    Thanks for telling us, Anon. I'm just shocked people still actually pay for porn.


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